
Monday, December 31, 2012

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl is Flynn’s newest novel, still only out in hardback as of this writing. I devoured the entire book in one setting while driving across the “ Loneliest Road in America” somewhere in Northern Nevada.

Yet again, Flynn writes a tale that explores a mysterious crime, and in so doing, looks at some of the seedier sides of modern culture. Yet again, an adult returns to the scene of their childhood and gets caught up in strange and criminal doings. In this case though, Flynn explores the notion of marriage as a trap, and provides us with a not-particularly-believable mid-game surprise, which leads to yet another implausible novel.

Her language is good, and her eye for the dark and unpleasant make her interesting, but her plotting so defies suspension of disbelief, that as mysteries, these books don’t work for me. Gone Girl is the least impressive of her three so far. 

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