
Wednesday, July 17, 2024



How could you create a city of legend?

Once upon a time there were cities of such renown that they attracted visitors from far and wide and developed nearly legendary reputation. The grandeur of great Rome, the Forbidden majesty of Beijing, the beautiful epoch of Paris, the tolerance and wealth of forgotten Bisnaga, the aspirational promise of New York, the byzantine bridge between continents of Constantinople, the countercultural promise of a new culture forming in San Francico, the stately pleasure of Xanadu, the desert licentiousness of Las Vegas.

Indeed, many of them survive today, though oft evolved beyond recognition, their original virtues visible now mostly in tourist kitsch.

So let’s say you wanted to take a nowheresville and somehow infuse it with the buzz that will create global awareness and a desire to visit?

What values or virtues would your aspiring Chamber of Commerce project seek to project?

How would you begin?

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