My fellow
I’m here today to
clear the air and clear the path for our nation to move forward into the
In 1973 I began proudly
serving in the United States Senate. I remember still walking into that august
chamber, can still hear the roar of legendary voices like Robert Byrd, Strom
Thurmand, the great Ted Kennedy, Diane Feinstein. These men and women differed in their politics and their beliefs – and often their debates were heated - but
they never differed in their common resolve to form a more perfect union.
I shared that conviction
with them, and I carry that spirit with me now.
We men are
imperfect creatures. Women too, though Jill might disagree with me on that.
We live but a short
time, and all we can do is strive to use what time and strength we have to make
the world a better place for those who come along after us.
In all, I have
faithfully served my country for more than fifty years. And I believe we have
made a powerful difference. Under the administration of my friend Barak Obama we brought healthcare to every American even while helping
guide the country to a swift recovery after the financial collapse of 2008. On
foreign shores we led our troops in the valiant fight against terror and made
the world safer by ending the reign of Osama Bin Laden. We made sure that every
American had the right to marry the person they loved in 2015. And we worked
hard to combat the threat of climate change and a rapidly heating world.
Then, a few years later,
I inherited an America that was hurting from a terribly managed pandemic that
took too many from us. My predecessor had sewn division at home and among our
allies abroad, fanning the flames of hatred on these shores and emboldening
autocrats in Europe.
And as president, I
rose to these challenges. My amazing team and I managed a soft landing to the economy.
We increased jobs. We extracted American troops from Afghanistan. We worked
with our allies in NATO to keep the world safe for democracy. I could not be
more proud of what we have accomplished over the last four years.
We still have a lot
to do.
As a nation, we
face unprecedented complexities. Too many Americans still struggle to make ends
meet. And overseas, in the Ukraine, in Palestine, and elsewhere, innocent civilians are
too often forced to cower in fear. The ocean levels continue to rise, and I don’t
need to tell the good people of Texas that it’s getting hotter every year.
We still have a lot
to do.
I believe – I know –
that I am committed to this challenge, ready to keep fighting that good fight
until my last breath.
What we have to do
is that important.
But leadership isn’t
about me.
It’s never about
the person who thinks only of themselves.
It’s about doing
what is best for this great country we are trying to build, not about personal
And that’s why I’m
announcing today that I will not run for a second term as President of the United
States of America.
We have built a
strong bench of great leaders who are ready to step up to the challenge of this
land, of this world.
So rather than let
our national – this global – discussion be about me and concerns for my age and health,
I want us to return the discussion to something that matters more: the health
of our country, our planet.
In the coming days,
we will announce a new pair of Democratic leaders for the United States of
America. And my team and I will stand behind this duo as they continue our
essential mission.
George Washington,
upon stepping down from his role as the first president of the United States reminded
us of the scripture:
"Everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and
fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid."
And based on what I understand is the will of the people, I
shall do the same, unafraid in the knowledge that my administration is handing
over the reigns to a strong country, and a world that is getting better to a
wise and powerful team who will lead us into the next four years.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America.
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