
Tuesday, June 18, 2024



And then two weeks pass without an update. Habits are easy to break just as they are easy to establish. I’ve been reading a lot, working on a couple of projects, having some interesting discussions, thinking a lot though I’ve not necessarily created anything amazing in the last two weeks.

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin

Mr. Cronin’s novel, The Passage, got some ridiculously large advance, if I recall correctly. And it’s the book of his most people know him by, I believe. The Ferryman is his newest, available (30% off!) in paperback in grocery stores near you; at least if you live near Campbell River, BC.

The protagonist is a ferryman who takes people to be recycled into their next life. And things start getting weird for him as the strange capitalist utopia he lives in is revealed to be not-quiet what he thought it was. By the back quarter of the book things have gone properly off the rails and we are introduced to what’s really going on. I won’t spoil it for you. Think of this as a wanna-be smart person’s beach read. There are a few interesting ideas (well trod turf all) half-heartedly developed and then consumed by action sequences and near-constant scene jumps that feel like an homage to Chris Nolan’s later work.

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