Creation. Immortality.
I keep reading
about the impending demographic shift to a world in which our population goes
into severe decline as a result of falling birth rates in most developed
nations. South Korea, for example, has averaged .7 births for every two people
over the last few years; in order words, not nearly enough to sustain
population, and certainly not to grow it. So the Earth’s population in the
developed world is in decline.
And since choosing
not to reproduce tends to correlate with higher net worth, because you can
obsessively throw yourself into work, because children are expensive, and so on…
We are moving towards a world in which the rich world is likely to increasingly
buy the children they end up wanting rather than going through the messy
process of sex, pregnancy, delivery, and the terrible twos.
The pharaonic inequality
of wealth distribution only continues to grow.
Children will grow
ever more valuable as there are fewer of them.
Clearly this will
lead to a world in which the wealthy increasingly buy children.
(This is not a new
idea; the barren well-to-do have been buying Russian adopted babies for a while.
But we should expect this practice to increase considerably as a total percentage
of children on earth.)
What will the double-sided
market for children look like by 2050?
If I buy a thing, then nurture it, did I
create that thing?
Hardly seems to
convey the same sense of immortality that passing on your own genes does, does
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